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save the Blue Tier

charges dismissed!!!

Blue Tier arrestees on September 16, 2004

Morning walk to the courthouse under police escort on 16 September, 2004.

What were these ten people arrested for?

Calling for the protection of the Blue Tier and the creation of the Blue Tier Nature Recreation Area

live updates, 16 September, 2004

9:50 am
There was a crowd estimated to be around 250 people gathered outside the St. Helens History Room to show support for the ten people arrested over the logging protest on the Blue Tier and to walk them to the courthouse with police escort.
Facing tresspass/causing public nuisance charges are:

A carnival atmosphere seems to prevail over the gathering, many supporters carrying placards. No one seems unduly worried about the outcome today.
The media is represented by ABC and Win TV (Southern Cross turned up sometime later in the morning).

The crowd is now gathered at the foreshore across the road from the courthouse and the arrestees will shortly enter the courtroom.

1:49 pm
As far as can be made out charges against Millen and Gray as well as the Balls have been dismissed on technical grounds by Magistrate Wilson.
No convictions have been recorded in the cases against Andrews, Haas, Hansberry, King, Nicklason and Walter, but the grounds for this are not clear to your scribe.
J. Avery, QC, appearing for the defendants pro bono publico has scored a perfect 10/10 in the matter.

Arrestees and supporters are spending the afternoon celebrating at a barbecue on the foreshore. At some stage later in the day we expect to provide more details on why charges were not sustained against the six who were found to be technically in breach of the law.


All ten Blue Tier arrestees will have no convictions recorded against them following the public rally and hearing in S. Helens today where approximately 250 people marched in support of the Friends of the Blue Tier.

The community enjoyed a sausage sizzle and Fran’s Fantastic Pancakes on the foreshore whilst waiting for the verdict from the courtroom.

After 4 hours the Blue Tier Ten emerged with four of the charges being dropped and the remaining six being upheld but with no conviction recorded and no conditions imposed.

The judge made it clear that the reasonable and respectful tenor of the campaign was a factor in his decision as well as the fact that this was clearly a local issue with all those involved having genuine reasons to fight for the preservation of the area.

Even though we are free today the Blue Tier is still sentenced to clearfelling and now the Bay of Fires and South Sister are sentenced as well.

However, with the support we have seen today it is clear that people in rural communities all over Tasmania have had enough of public resources being exploited for private gain and are sending the message that enough is enough.

With just three weeks till the election it is time to send a strong message to John Howard and Mark Latham that the people want a leader who recognises the communities' right to have their special places protected – their water, wildlife and beautiful forests – protected so we can hand over a healthy environment to the next generation.

Mark Latham and John Howard must act now to protect Tasmania’s environment ..... we can compensate an industry but no amount of money is going to restore water quality and quantity, bring the wildlife back to life, stand the trees up again or restore the understorey and habitat!

Write to Mark Latham and John Howard C|- Parliament House, Canberra, ACT 2600 today and demand an end to the debilitating situation that Tasmania’s rural communities have had to endure for decades ..... we can have a timber industry to be proud of – not one the whole world is ashamed of!

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