save the Blue Tier
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Page accessed: Thursday, 13-Feb-2025 09:11:49 GMT
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General environmental articles
This section is devoted to random articles on the environment from around the world.
- Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air, a book by David J.C. MacKay available for downloading from his website
- 2024/12/17 - Report says NSW government should review 'long-term feasibility' of native logging industry
- 2024/11/10 - The government promised a koala national park. Then the loggers moved in
- 2024/10/09 - Fewer than 10 of these orchids remain in the wild. Victoria was about to burn them into extinction
- 2024/08/27 - The deforestation on farms that 'people don't even know' is happening
- 2024/07/31 - The Social Costs of Keystone Species Collapse: Evidence From The Decline of Vultures in India (5 MB)
- 2024/07/28 - Jabiluka decision ends long-running battle and preserves 'some of the oldest rock art in the world'
- 2024/03/14 - 'Not a great legacy': Troubled state-owned VicForests to close within months
- 2024/03/11 - 'I don’t like to lose': Giant-killer Geoff Cousins declares war on controversial NSW industry
- 2024/01/09 - Court case could force shutdown of NSW native logging
- 2024/01/02 - WA bans commercial native logging in move state says could save 20,000 sq km of forest
Tasmanian articles
2025/02/12 Firefighting effort on Tasmania's west coast continues as wilderness areas burn
2024/12/12 - Maps reveal parts of protected Tasmanian native forest that could be opened to logging, environmentalists say
2024/10/24 - ‘What the hell is happening’: calls for answers after 10% of Tasmanian salmon die in Macquarie Harbour fish farms
2024/05/09 - Dieback hits Tasmanian forests after dry summer as researchers investigate impact on trees' future
2024/04/03 - Thousands more of Tasmania 'giant' native trees could be spared from logging under policy change
2024/03/17 - Hobart protest rally calls for end to native forest logging in Tasmania, as Liberals vow to increase timber harvest
2024/02/14 - Plibersek can save this wonderland, or give it away with the fairies
2024/02/01 - Bob Brown claims 'huge win' after judge orders logging suspension in area of Tasmania purportedly home to rare swift parrot
2023/11/23 - Salmon farming shutdown to save skate species could be 'catastrophic' for Strahan, locals warn
2023/10/28 - Old tree trucked through Hobart emblematic of damage to Tasmania's native forests, says Bob Brown Foundation
2023/10/21 - Morrisby's gum tree migration project aiming to save endangered Tasmanian species of eucalypt
2023/09/10 - Supermarkets urged to boycott farmed salmon to help save Gondwana relic
2023/08/31 - The massacre of Tasmania's forests could be stopped at any time. Where are Australia’s leaders?
2023/08/16 - ‘National disgrace’: protest after tree estimated to be hundreds of years old cut down in Tasmania
2023/07/29 - Ancient clonal tree, King's lomatia, excites scientists in Tasmania's remote south west
2023/07/26 - Global calls to revoke ‘misleading’ sustainable farming certification for salmon in Tasmania’s Macquarie Harbour
2023/07/01 - Native hens or 'turbo chooks' largely immune from climate change effects, study shows
2023/06/28 - Wildlife photographer arrested in Tasmanian forest where swift parrot habitat is being logged
2023/05/17 - Scientists warn Maugean skate, Tasmania’s ‘thylacine of the sea’, one extreme weather event from extinction
2023/05/03 - Saving the Franklin River
2023/02/27 - Documents reveal Tassal wanted two reports on antibiotic use at salmon farms kept secret
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