save the Blue Tier
roll of honour
- arrested on principle for protesting against clearfelling on the Blue Tier:
- 2004/4/15 - Denny Walter, Beris Hansberry & Lesley Nicklason
- 2004/4/19 - Sylvia Gray & Tom Millen (pix only)
- 2004/4/21 - John & Caroline Ball
- 2004/5/3 - Gloria Andrews & Sharlene King
- 2004/5/7 - Ebi Haas (pix only)
press releases
St. Helens water catchment under threat - 2004/10/01
- past releases
articles & links
John Lawrence: Forestry Tasmania's demise in detail
Peter Henning: Hush, Lara, Hush
Warwick Raverty: In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is King
John Lawrence: The Road to Nowhere
Susan Austin, Socialist Alliance opposes Gunns' pulp mill, calls for referendum
Tim Dobson, Tasmanian Forests Statement of Principles
Hayward, J., 'The Great Tasmanian Land Robbery'
Tapvision campaign against the pulp mill
The Rape of Tasmania by Richard Flanagan as well as his Melbourne speech on World Environment Day, 2004/6/6
Effect of Land Use Change on Water Supply: Blue Tier Region, Northeast Tasmania by D. E. Leaman; we provide the original article and its summary as well as a summary of his response to Forest Practices Board criticisms.
Report on soil erosion and water catchment on the Blue Tier: B. Finlayson - the summary as well as the full report
Notes on potential soil erosion on the Blue Tier by Owen Ingles as well as a more detailed report on Soil, the unrenewable resource
Senator Bob Brown's subjective History of Tasmanian Politics or 'How did we end up with a government hostile to the public interest?'
The Manning Transcript - largish pdf file (455 kB) amounting to 80 typed pages demonstrating what your government can do to you; certainly worth downloading even on a dial-up.
N. J. Edwards' submission on plantation profitability to the Senate Inquiry is available in pdf (105 KB). Doctors for Forests respond to Forestry Tasmania's vision of the future - we have the extract on how other states cope as well as the full document in pdf (214 KB)
Industry claims that 10,000 Tasmanian jobs are at stake in ending clearfelling of native forests is challenged by Graham Green of Timber Workers For Forests. We publish the abstract and link to the main article in pdf (109 KB).
The claim that 'no species are known to have been driven to extinction by forestry practices in Tasmania' is questioned by those in a position to know better. Summary of report by G. Green, A. Gray, & P. McQuillan with link to full article in pdf (792 KB).
Frank Strie, Master Forester (1983), was originally educated and trained in Germany's South West. He has been involved in forestry since 1975 (including a position as local Forest Industries Training Officer, from late 1987 to mid 1989) and is an advocate of ecologically responsible Forest Management. His blog.
Vandalism quantified - check the counter over at Gordon Craven's 'Forestry Tasmania' site; read the uncensored news at News Tasmania.
A brief history of the Blue Tier by K. Burns
Introducing The Blue Tier Mandalas by F. Coghlan